The scholarship possibilities at ENSTA Paris

Scholarships based on social criteria

To apply for a scholarship based on social criteria, you must fill out your student social file (DSE):

Choose ENSTA Paris and select year 3, 4 or 5 depending on your class (bac+3 or +4 or +5).

To test your eligibility and find out about all the advantages offered by the DSE:  

Do not wait until the last moment (May 31) to apply for your DSE and do not forget to submit your CROUS scholarship notification on "Synapses", the schooling website!

FDO ENSTA Paris Alumni loan on trust

The FDO helps French or foreign students who encounter financial difficulties during their studies on campus by paying short-term relief loans (reimbursement at the end of the university course).

Applications for assistance are to be collected from the association's secretariat: 

Every school year, the committee meets 3 times: mid-November, January and end of April / beginning of May

The Eiffel scholarship program

The Eiffel scholarship program was developed by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education institutions to attract top foreign students to their Master’s or Ph.D. programs.

Learn more


Erasmus+ mobility for higher education allows students to study or complete an internship in Europe and around the world. For students, the acquisition of language, intercultural and professional skills promotes personal development and better integration into their professional life.

Learn more