Institut Polytechnique de Paris
ENSTA Paris is a founding member of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, a world-class institute with cutting-edge research and excellent training programmes.
IP Paris brings together the École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE (National School of Statistics and Economic Administration) Paris, the GENES (Group of National Schools of Economics and Statistics), Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis institutes, and the IMT (Institut Mines-Télécom) institutes. The experimental establishment status makes it possible to bring together public or private research establishments and higher education institutes, contributing to the public utility missions of higher education or research. Established by the order of 12 December 2018, it allows grouped establishments to retain their corporate personality.
Since 2019, the Institut Polytechnique de Paris has offered programmes which confer the master’s and doctoral degrees. It also grants authorisation to supervise research.
The Institut Polytechnique de Paris is a major stakeholder in the development of the Plateau de Saclay. Through its five institutions, which will all be present in the Plateau by the end of this year, and having 840 teacher-researchers in 30 laboratories, 7600 students including nearly 1000 doctoral students, IP Paris collaborates with all of the training, research and innovation establishments, and contributes to the development of relations between higher education and several businesses in the Plateau de Saclay.
The French Ministry of Armed Forces (ministère des Armées)
Without being an institute of a military nature, ENSTA Paris is placed under the supervision of the French Ministry of Armed Forces, in particular because it is one of the institutes which train engineers of the Armament Corps.
ENSTA Paris maintains a special relationship with the three other institutes placed under the same supervision: the ISAE-SUPAERO (Higher Institute of Aeronautics and Space), ENSTA Bretagne and the École polytechnique.
ENSTA Paris is one of the chief institutes which provides an additional integrated course for polytechnicians (civilians or Armament engineers). Numerous discussions between professors allows for a shared pedagogical enrichment. The status of the École polytechnique doctoral school team is conferred to ENSTA Paris laboratories by an agreement.
ENSTA Paris and ISAE closely collaborate while recruiting their engineering students (joint competitive examination, joint admission of army officers). There is an agreement between the two institutions for a student exchange programme for final-year engineering students.
ENSTA group
ENSTA Paris and ENSTA Bretagne are two engineering schools under the supervision of the Ministry of the Armed Forces. Within the ENSTA group, the two establishments have implemented the following main cooperations:
- A shared name, ENSTA,
- A common Specialized Master's degree: Engineering of Localization and Multi-sensor Systems
- Joint extra-curricular student projects (sports, BEST network, etc.)
- Concerted approaches between the research laboratories of both schools
Institut Carnot
Created in 2006, Carnot is a label of excellence in partnership research awarded by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and Innovation to research institutions in France following calls for applications. To date, three of our laboratories are certified within Carnot T.S.N. and Carnot M.I.N.E.S
The Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE)
Created in 1973, the Conférence des Grandes Écoles unites higher education establishments and French and foreign research establishments which push their graduates towards a constant search for excellence, in collaboration with the business world and economic and civil society stakeholders.
The CGE is an association (law of 1901) of Grandes Écoles of engineering, management and multiple or specific higher education, all recognised by the State, issuing a national degree attesting to at least five years of study after the baccalaureate, and conferring the master’s degree. Some of its members are businesses, alumni associations and organisations.
The CGE, training accreditation body of its members (Advanced Masters, MSc, BADGE) brings its quality label to guarantee the adequacy of programs with the expectations of the labour market and to promote, in all its forms, both in France and abroad, the development and influence of higher education and research establishments with a view to excellence, in conjunction with public authorities, economic players and society.
The admission criteria for the CGE are particularly stringent and are based on the structure, recruitment methods, educational approaches and support for students in the institutions. For ethical reasons, the Grandes Écoles Conference does not disclose any information which may enable comparisons or rankings of its member universities.
Its role:
- Develop internal information, mutual assistance and solidarity between its members
- Promote the institutes on a national as well as international scale
- Develop the courses and research
- Carry out procedures of common interest with the public authorities
The Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur (CTI)
The ENSTA Paris engineering course is accredited by the CTI.
The CTI is an independent organisation, commissioned by French law since 1934 for authorising all engineering courses and improving their quality, promoting the engineering degree and profession in France and abroad.
The ENSTA Paris engineering course benefits from the EUR-ACE label. See the certificate.
The CTI missions are:
- Evaluation and accreditation of all the French engineering institutes that wish to be authorised to confer an Engineering Degree. On the advice of the CTI, the concerned minister(s) grant authorisation to public universities. Authorisation to private universities is granted by the concerned minister(s) based on the decision of the CTI.
- At their request, evaluation and accreditation of foreign establishments which issue foreign engineering certificates and degrees. The opinion resulting from the accreditation may in particular give rise, at the request of the governments concerned, to the "State admission" of these certificates and degrees. This is formulated by the minister responsible for higher education.
- Suggestions to all questions concerning the graduate engineering degrees. The CTI particularly sets forth the criteria and procedures necessary for accomplishing its missions, especially that of awarding the engineering degree. It contributes to the continuous improvement of the engineering courses and their integration on a European and international level.
The "Investissements d'avenir" program
Labex and Equipex Map in Metropolitan France
Labex and Equipex
The university collaborates with 4 laboratories of excellence (Labex), 2 equipment of excellence (Equipex), Institute of excellence in decarbonation “Low-carbon and Smart Vehicles and their Mobility” (IEED VeDeCom), Technology Research Institute (IRT) SystemX, and it is labelled as a CARNOT Institute.
Discover our involvements :
- The Laboratory of Applied Optics (LOA) is involved in the Labex PALM (Physics, Atoms, Light, Matter (link is external)) in fundamental and applied physics;
- The Mechanics Unit (UME) and the Chemistry and Processes Unit (UCP) are involved in the Labex LaSIPS (Laboratory of Engineering and System Sciences (link is external));
- The UMA is a member of Labex LMH (Hadamard Mathematics Laboratory (link is external)) and is involved in the Gaspard Monge Programme for Optimisation and Operational Research (PGMO) launched by the Jacques Hadamard Mathematics Foundation (FMJH) and the research and development department of Électricité de France (EDF) for the mathematical community;
- The Computer Science and Systems Engineering Unit (U2IS) is involved in the Labex DigiCosme (DigiWorlds), Criminal Offences Processing System (STIC) community of the Paris-Saclay Campus (link is external);
- The Applied Economics Unit (UEA) and the Computer Science and System Engineering Unit (U2IS) are involved in the IEED VeDeCom (link is external);
- The School is involved in the Equipex CILEX for implementing a Centre for Intense Lasers (link is external), Plasmas and Applications of the Apollon laser, and in the Equipex ATTOLAB a platform for attosecond dynamics (link is external). The equipment of excellence are powerful catalysts of discovery and innovation.
- The second round of selection for Carnot Institutes places the partnership research, at the service of businesses and local authorities, at the heart of its strategy. The Carnot Institutes (link is external) are recognised for their high scientific level, their professionalism as well as their dedication to develop a high-quality partnership research.
- ENSTA Paris is involved in the M.I.N.E.S institute, “ innovative approaches for businesses and the society (link is external)”, covering Mines ParisTech as well, which is its bearer, and the École Polytechnique.
Campus Naval France
Campus Naval France was created on 25 October 2012 by the GICAN (The French Marine Industry Group) with the active support of the UIMM (Union of Metallurgy Industries and Professions).
It brings together many universities or training centres providing education which opens doors to naval professions, including ENSTA Paris. The first goal of Campus Naval France is to establish a blueprint of naval and maritime courses, in order to then define skills, and work on maintaining them.
ENSTA Paris is one of the founding members of Campus Naval France, whose charter was signed at the Euronaval fair.