ENSTA Paris and businesses

The involvement of businesses in ENSTA Paris

The high involvement of businesses, an important asset in the education of engineers, is seen at several levels:

  • In education: nearly 700 temporary professors and engineers working in businesses come daily to pass on current industry know-how to the students of the ENSTA Paris. It is especially the third-year courses, of a more applied nature, which benefit from this contribution. Each of the modules is built by a permanent teacher-researcher of the School, who involves several temporary professors, who sometimes suggest other speakers to address specific points.
  • Through hosting students in business internships
  • Through the successful integration of students into professional life.
  • Through the involvement in teaching and research chairs.
  • Through sponsorship of classes.
  • Through the participation of several businesses in the School's governing bodies (Board of Directors, Education and Research Board, Guidance Board), thus becoming involved in guiding changes in the teaching and life at the ENSTA Paris.
  • Through major collaborations and research contracts.
  • Through financial support within the framework of the apprenticeship tax.
  • Through the participation of the ENSTA Paris in several competitiveness centres: AsTech Paris Région, Mov'eo, System@tic, Pôles Mer Bretagne and Méditerranée, GICAN et Advancity, Cluster Maritime Français and Cluster Drônes.
  • Through partnerships allowing students to familiarise themselves with cutting-edge software tools recognised in the industry, such as Esterel Technologies


Assistant head of business relations