This funding allows ENSTA Paris to invest and progress more and more towards matching our students to the needs of the economic world. This relationship with our partner companies is strengthened over the years. Thanks to the many contributors who each year choose to pay their apprenticeship tax to ENSTA Paris.
Why pay your apprenticeship tax to ENSTA Paris?
- To support a scientific training of high-level engineers at the service of industry;
- To support innovative educational projects aimed at ensuring that training is in line with the needs of companies from the point of view of knowledge, know-how and know-how;
- To take part in the orientation of the training of engineers that your company will need tomorrow;
- To increase the visibility of your company with future engineers of high potential in connection with your recruitment policy;
- To support a proactive diversity policy.
How to pay your tax?
From 7 September until 25 October, you can use the SOLTéA platform to allocate the balance of your apprenticeship tax to ENSTA Paris.
They trust us
And also Hapsis, Mince Advisory France, MNCS and Sarrail pharmacy.