Addresses and contacts

Addresses and access


Main building address:
828, Boulevard des Maréchaux, 91762 Palaiseau Cedex
GPS coordinates: 48.711042, 2.219278

Main building delivery address:
1024, Boulevard des Maréchaux, 91762 Palaiseau Cedex

Address of student residences:
Résidence ENSTA Paris, Bâtiment E, N, S, T, A, Allée des Techniques Avancées, 91120 Palaiseau

Address of the centre de l'Yvette:
The Centre de l'Yvette hosts the Mechanical Unit and the Applied Optics Laboratory.
181, Chemin de la Hunière et des Joncherettes, 91761 Palaiseau Cedex

Campus maps

Arrival by public transport

ENSTA Paris is at the "ENSTA - Joncherettes" bus stop.
"ENSTA - Joncherettes" bus stop is on the 91.06 et 91.10 routes.
Buses are accessible from the station "Massy-Palaiseau" (RER B, RER C et TGV). View bus access at Massy-Palaiseau station and consult bus schedules (write 91-06 or 91-10).

You can also get off at the "Lozère" station (RER B) and climb the 300 or so steps to the campus (20 minute walk).

Arrival by car

From Porte d’Italie and Porte d’Orléans take the A6
Coming from Paris on the A6-10, head towards Nantes-Bordeaux then Cité Scientifique (left hand lane- N444) then Saclay. Follow the D36 then turn left at the École polytechnique signpost. Continue along the road until the toll booth then follow the signs leading you to the Boulevard des Maréchaux.

From the Pont des Sèvres, on the N118
Coming from Paris take the N118 from the Pont des Sèvres towards Nantes-Bordeaux (or join it at Petit Clamart), take exit number 8: Toussus le Noble/Saclay/Gif-sur-Yvette. At the roundabout, turn right onto the D36 towards Vauhalan/Polytechnique/Palaiseau. Follow the D36 then turn right at the École polytechnique signpost. Continue along the road until the toll booths then follow the signs to Boulevard des Maréchaux.

From the N118
Coming from the N118 from Province to Paris, take exit number 9: Centre Universitaire - Grandes écoles, follow the D128 Bd Thomas Gobert until the Bd des Maréchaux. Then turn right.

A visitor's car park is available opposite the building.

