The organization of ENSTA Paris is defined by Decree No. 94-844 of 30 September 1994.
Contact details of ENSTA Paris
Headquarter : 828, boulevard des Maréchaux
91762 Palaiseau Cedex, France
Tel. :
Fax :
Code NAF : 8542Z
SIRET : 197.500.036.00029
N° de TVA intracommunautaire : FR64.197.500.036
Editorial responsibility for this website
This site is under the responsibility of the Communication Department of ENSTA Paris, whose contact details can be found on the Contacts page.
Director of Publication
The director of the publication is Élisabeth Crépon, director of ENSTA Paris
This site is hosted by: OVH – SAS with share capital of €10,059,500
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Head Office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 ROUBAIX – France
Site Content
ENSTA Paris endeavours to keep the information contained on this site up-to-date to ensure its accuracy. However, in case of delay of an update, error or omission in the content of this site, ENSTA Paris declines all responsibility (direct or indirect) the possible consequences for anyone of the use that may be made of the information contained. ENSTA Paris also declines any responsibility in the event of interruption or unavailability of the service. ENSTA Paris reserves the right to correct the content of this site at any time, for any reason, without notice or notice. It cannot be held responsible in any way for the consequences of such changes.
Hypertext links to other sites are only a service provided free of charge to the visitor and therefore do not involve the responsibility of ENSTA Paris for the content of these sites.
Informatics and Freedom
ENSTA Paris has appointed and declared to the CNIL a Personal Data Protection Officer (DPO), in accordance with Article 37 of the GDPR - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data -.
He can be reached at the following address:
Data Protection Officer (DPO)
This site is subject to French legislation on copyright, trademarks and, in general, intellectual property. This concerns both the form of the site (choice, plan, organization and means of access to the data) and each element of its content (texts, images, etc.).
The contents are the exclusive property of ENSTA Paris and its contributors. Any total or partial reproduction, other than for the private use of the copyist, of the contents of this site on any medium or by any means whatsoever, without the express consent of ENSTA Paris, or any rebroadcast of its contents in whole or in part, constitutes an infringement and will be liable to prosecution.
Design and development: Créateur d'image
Unless otherwise indicated below or on the relevant page, the photos on this site were taken by ENSTA Paris.
Photo/video credits: Philippe Fretault, Arthur Dressler, Bruno Hilaire, Bruno Rimboux, Cyrille Dupont, Jérémy Barande, Drone Press, pixabay, Pexel.