Aurélien Houard
Unité d'Optique Appliquée (LOA)
Chercheur, Responsable du groupe F-ILM
Research scientist in Physics at Ecole Polytechnique in France. I currently lead the Filamentation and Laser Matter Interaction group at the Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée (LOA).
Research and education activities
My research activities focus on the study of femtosecond laser filamentation in transparent media and the development of applications based on laser filamentation and nonlinear propagation of ultrashort laser pulses in gases and liquids.
HAL Publications
Physics and technology of Laser Lightning Control
Article dans une revue Published on 15/10/2024 co-written by Thomas Produit, Jerome Kasparian, Farhad Rachidi-Haeri, Marcos Rubinstein, Aurelien Houard, Jean-Pierre Wolf -
Complete suppression of N$_2$ lasing by the nonadiabatic molecular alignment effect in femtosecond filaments
Article dans une revue Published on 15/08/2024 co-written by Yuxuan Zhang, Renjun Yang, Mingyang Zhuzou, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz, Yi Liu, Pengji Ding -
Fluorescence and lasing of neutral nitrogen molecules inside femtosecond laser filaments in air: mechanism and applications
Article dans une revue Published on 05/08/2024 co-written by Haicheng Mei, Hongbing Jiang, Aurelien Houard, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, Eduardo Oliva, Andre Mysyrowicz, Qihuang Gong, Chengyin Wu, Yi Liu -
Extending femtosecond laser superfilamentation in air with a multifocal phase mask
Article dans une revue Published on 01/07/2024 co-written by Silin Fu, André Mysyrowicz, Leonid Arantchouk, Magali Lozano, Aurélien Houard -
Laguerre–Gaussian laser filamentation for the control of electric discharges in air
Article dans une revue Published on 17/06/2024 co-written by Silin Fu, Leonid Arantchouk, Magali Lozano, André Mysyrowicz, Arnaud Couairon, Aurelien Houard -
45 W average-power, high-energy deep-UV generation at 257 nm in LBO
Communication dans un congrès Published on 12/03/2024 co-written by Gabriel Mennerat, Laurent Bizet, Benoît Mahieu, Alexandre Dobroc, Dominique Lupinski, Denis Balitsky, Philippe Villeval, Magali Lozano, Fatima Alahyane, Aurélien Houard, Jean-Pierre Wolf -
45 W average-power, high-energy deep-UV generation at 257 nm in LBO
Communication dans un congrès Published on 12/03/2024 co-written by Gabriel Mennerat, Laurent Bizet, Benoît Mahieu, Alexandre Dobroc, Dominique Lupinski, Denis Balitsky, Philippe Villeval, Magali Lozano, Fatima Alahyane, Aurélien Houard, Jean-Pierre Wolf -
Pump-laser-wavelength dependence of population inversion in N 2 +
Article dans une revue Published on 24/01/2024 co-written by Liang Xu, Chaohui Zhou, Guangyu Fan, Hongyang Cheng, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, Yi Liu -
Multiple-Photon Resonance Enabled Quantum Interference in Emission Spectroscopy of N2+
Article dans une revue Published on 05/01/2024 co-written by Xiang Zhang, Qi Lu, Yalei Zhu, Jing Zhao, Rostyslav Danylo, Liang Xu, Mingwei Lei, Hongbing Jiang, Chengyin Wu, Zhedong Zhang, Aurélien Houard, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, André Mysyrowicz, Qihuang Gong, Songlin Zhuang, Zengxiu Zhao, Yi Liu -
Experimental Investigation of Repetitive Femtosecond Laser Energy Deposition in a M=3 Supersonic Airflow
Communication dans un congrès Published on 04/01/2024 co-written by Paul-Quentin Elias, Benjamin Khiar, Sylvain Morilhat, Nicolas Severac, Jean-Marc Luyssen, Jean-Pierre Tobeli, Reynald Bur, Ivan Doudet, Benoit Wattelier, Laurent Bizet, Yves-Bernard André, Benoît Mahieu, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Impact of gravitational force on high repetition rate filamentation of femtosecond laser pulses in the atmosphere
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2024 co-written by P. Walch, B. Mahieu, L. Arantchouk, Y.-B. André, A. Mysyrowicz, A. Houard -
Standoff detection of an electric field by bidirectional nitrogen lasing
Article dans une revue Published on 01/09/2023 co-written by Xiang Zhang, Qi Lu, Haicheng Mei, Siyu Qin, Yuan Gao, Aurelien Houard, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, Andre Mysyrowicz, Liang Xu, Yi Liu -
Study of consecutive long-lived meter-scale laser-guided sparks in air
Article dans une revue Published on 01/08/2023 co-written by Pierre Walch, Leonid Arantchouk, Benoit Mahieu, Magali Lozano, Yves-Bernard André, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Laser-guided lightning
Article dans une revue Published on 16/01/2023 co-written by Aurélien Houard, Pierre Walch, Thomas Produit, Victor Moreno, Benoit Mahieu, Antonio Sunjerga, Clemens Herkommer, Amirhossein Mostajabi, Ugo Andral, Yves-Bernard André, Magali Lozano, Laurent Bizet, Malte C Schroeder, Guillaume Schimmel, Michel Moret, Mark Stanley, W A Rison, Oliver Maurice, Bruno Esmiller, Knut Michel, Walter Haas, Thomas Metzger, Marcos Rubinstein, Farhad Rachidi, Vernon Cooray, André Mysyrowicz, Jérôme Kasparian, Jean-Pierre Wolf -
Laser emission at 428 nm in N2+: Competition between two- and three-level amplification
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2023 co-written by Rostyslav Danylo, Xiang Zhang, Anna Lisova, A. Houard, Yi Liu, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, André Mysyrowicz -
Spectral splitting of the lasing emission of nitrogen ions pumped by 800-nm femtosecond laser pulses
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2023 co-written by Qi Lu, Xiang Zhang, Santiago López, Haicheng Mei, Liang Xu, Qingqing Liang, Aurélien Houard, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, André Mysyrowicz, Eduardo Oliva, Yi Liu -
Quantum and quasi-classical effects in the strong field ionization and subsequent excitation of nitrogen molecules
Article dans une revue Published on 10/10/2022 co-written by Liang Xu, Qi Lu, Vladimir T Tikhonchuk, Bin Zhou, Runzhe Yang, Qingqing Liang, Feng He, Rostyslav Danylo, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz, Yi Liu -
Second and third harmonic generation from simultaneous high peak- and high average-power thin disk laser
Article dans une revue Published on 25/08/2022 co-written by Ugo Andral, Pierre Walch, Victor Moreno, Benoît Mahieu, Thomas Produit, Magali Lozano, Laurent Bizet, Clemens Herkommer, Michel Moret, Yves-Bernard André, Peter Krötz, Thomas Metzger, Knut Michel, André Mysyrowicz, Jérome Kasparian, Daniel Lupinski, Aurélien Houard, Jean-Pierre Wolf -
Multiple-Photon Resonance Enabled Quantum Interference in Emission Spectroscopy of N_2^+
Pré-publication, Document de travail Published on 31/05/2022 co-written by Xiang Zhang, Qi Lu, Yalei Zhu, Jing Zhao, Rostyslav Danylo, Mingwei Lei, Hongbing Jiang, Chengyin Wu, Zhedong Zhang, Aurélien Houard, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, André Mysyrowicz, Qihuang Gong, Songlin Zhuang, Zengxiu Zhao, Yi Liu -
Control of the acoustic waves generated by intense laser filamentation in water
Article dans une revue Published on 03/03/2022 co-written by V. Jukna, S. Albert, C. Millon, Benoît Mahieu, R. Guillermin, G. Rabau, D. Fattaccioli, André Mysyrowicz, A. Couairon, Aurélien Houard -
Coherently controlled ionization of gases by three-color femtosecond laser pulses
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2022 co-written by Shixiang Wang, Chenhui Lu, Zhengquan Fan, Aurélien Houard, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, André Mysyrowicz, Songlin Zhuang, Vasily Kostin, Yi Liu -
Coherently controlled ionization of gases by three-color femtosecond laser pulses
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2022 co-written by Shixiang Wang, Chenhui Lu, Zhengquan Fan, Aurélien Houard, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, André Mysyrowicz, Songlin Zhuang, Vasily Kostin, Yi Liu -
Femtosecond filamentation of optical vortices for the generation of optical air waveguides
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2022 co-written by Silin Fu, Benoît Mahieu, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Nonlinear Propagation and Filamentation on 100 Meter Air Path of Femtosecond Beam Partitioned by Wire Mesh
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2022 co-written by Yuri E Geints, Olga V Minina, Ilia Yu Geints, Leonid V Seleznev, Dmitrii V Pushkarev, Daria V Mokrousova, Georgy E Rizaev, Daniil E Shipilo, Irina A Nikolaeva, Maria V Kurilova, Nikolay A Panov, Olga G Kosareva, Aurélien Houard, Arnaud Couairon, Andrey A Ionin, Weiwei Liu -
Femtosecond laser filamentation and applications
Chapitre d'ouvrage Published on 22/12/2021 co-written by Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz -
Cumulative air density depletion during high repetition rate filamentation of femtosecond laser pulses: Application to electric discharge triggering
Article dans une revue Published on 10/12/2021 co-written by Pierre Walch, Benoît Mahieu, Leonid Arantchouk, Yves-Bernard André, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Modeling of the processes of ionization and excitation of nitrogen molecules by short and intense laser pulses
Article dans une revue Published on 01/12/2021 co-written by Vladimir T Tikhonchuk, Yi Liu, Rostyslav Danylo, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz -
Remote triggering of air-gap discharge by a femtosecond laser filament and postfilament at distances up to 80 m
Article dans une revue Published on 26/07/2021 co-written by O. G Kosareva, D. V Mokrousova, N. A Panov, I. A Nikolaeva, D. E Shipilo, E. V Mitina, A. V Koribut, G. E Rizaev, A. Couairon, Aurélien Houard, A. B Savel'Ev, L. V Seleznev, A. A Ionin, S. L Chin -
Postfilament supercontinuum on 100 m path in air
Article dans une revue Published on 22/02/2021 co-written by Olga Kosareva, Nikolay Panov, Daniil Shipilo, Daria Mokrousova, Irina Nikolaeva, Ekaterina Mitina, Andrew Koribut, Aleksei Reutov, Georgy Rizaev, Arnaud Couairon, Aurélien Houard, Dmitry Skryabin, Alexander Saletsky, Andrei Savelev, Leonid Seleznev, Andrey Ionin, See Leang Chin -
Theory of femtosecond strong field ion excitation and subsequent lasing in N2+
Article dans une revue Published on 22/02/2021 co-written by V T Tikhonchuk, Y Liu, Rostyslav Danylo, Aurélien Houard, A Mysyrowicz -
The Laser Lightning Rod project
Article dans une revue Published on 17/02/2021 co-written by Thomas Produit, Pierre Walch, Clemens Herkommer, Amirhossein Mostajabi, Michel Moret, Ugo Andral, Antonio Sunjerga, Mohammad Azadifar, Yves-Bernard André, Benoît Mahieu, Walter Haas, Bruno Esmiller, Gilles Fournier, Peter Krötz, Thomas Metzger, Knut Michel, André Mysyrowicz, Marcos Rubinstein, Farhad Rachidi, Jérôme Kasparian, Jean-Pierre Wolf, Aurélien Houard -
Time-resolved study of laser emission in nitrogen gas pumped by two near IR femtosecond laser pulses
Article dans une revue Published on 18/01/2021 co-written by Rostyslav Danylo, Guillaume Lambert, Y Liu, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz -
Tracing Evolution of Angle-Wavelength Spectrum along the 40-m Postfilament in Corridor Air
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2021 co-written by Daria V Mokrouso, Dmitrii V Pushkarev, Nikolay A Panov, Irina A Nikolaeva, Daniil E Shipilo, Nikita A Zhidovtsev, Georgy E Rizaev, Daria S Uryupina, Arnaud Couairon, Aurélien Houard, Dmitry V Skryabin, Andrey B Savel'Ev, Olga G Kosareva, Leonid V Seleznev, Andrey A Ionin -
Coherent control of boosted terahertz radiation from air plasma pumped by femtosecond three-color sawtooth field
Article dans une revue Published on 01/12/2020 co-written by Shaojie Liu, Zhengquan Fan, Chenhui Lu, Jieyu Gui, Cheng Luo, Shixiang Wang, Qingqing Liang, Bin Zhou, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz, Vasily Kostin, Yi Liu -
Quenching Effect of O2 on Cavity-free Lasing of N2 Pumped by Femtosecond Laser Pulses
Article dans une revue Published on 26/10/2020 co-written by Jie-Yu Gui, Dong-Jie Zhou, Xiang Zhang, Qi Lu, Yu Luo, Qing-Qing Liang, Rostyslav Danylo, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz, Yi Liu -
Backward lasing of singly ionized nitrogen ions pumped by femtosecond laser pulses
Article dans une revue Published on 01/03/2020 co-written by Xiang Zhang, Rostyslav Danylo, Zhengquan Fan, Pengji Ding, Chenhao Kou, Qingqing Liang, Aurélien Houard, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, André Mysyrowicz, Yi Liu -
Quantum erasing of laser emission in N + 2
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2020 co-written by Rostyslav Danylo, Guillaume Lambert, Y. Liu, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz -
Terahertz Radiation from a Longitudinal Electric Field Biased Femtosecond Filament in Air
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2020 co-written by Yi Liu, Shaojie Liu, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz, Vladimir T Tikhonchuk -
Formation Dynamics of Excited Neutral Nitrogen Molecules inside Femtosecond Laser Filaments
Article dans une revue Published on 12/12/2019 co-written by Rostyslav Danylo, Xiang Zhang, Zhengquan Fan, Dongjie Zhou, Qi Lü, Bin Zhou, Qingqing Liang, Songlin Zhuang, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz, Eduardo Oliva, Yi Liu -
Formation Dynamics of Excited Neutral Nitrogen Molecules inside Femtosecond Laser Filaments
Article dans une revue Published on 12/12/2019 co-written by Rostyslav Danylo, Xiang Zhang, Zhengquan Fan, Dongjie Zhou, Qi Lü, Bin Zhou, Qingqing Liang, Songlin Zhuang, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz, Eduardo Oliva, Yi Liu -
Lasing without population inversion in N2+
Article dans une revue Published on 14/11/2019 co-written by A. Mysyrowicz, Rostyslav Danylo, Aurélien Houard, V. Tikhonchuk, X. Zhang, Z. Fan, Q Liang, S Zhuang, L Yuan, Y. Liu -
Lasing without population inversion in N2+
Article dans une revue Published on 14/11/2019 co-written by A. Mysyrowicz, Rostyslav Danylo, Aurélien Houard, V. Tikhonchuk, X. Zhang, Z. Fan, Q Liang, S Zhuang, L Yuan, Y. Liu -
Remote acoustic wave generation in water using ultrashort lasers
Communication dans un congrès Published on 30/09/2019 by Aurélien Houard -
Quantum Interference Between Transition Probability Amplitudes in N2+
Communication dans un congrès Published on 08/07/2019 co-written by André Mysyrowicz, Rostyslav Danylo, Aurélien Houard, V Tikhonchuk, P. Ding, Yi Liu -
Control of large electric spark through laser filamentation in air
Communication dans un congrès Published on 23/06/2019 co-written by Pierre Walch, Benoît Mahieu, Leonid Arantchouk, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
HV discharges triggered by dual- and triple-frequency laser filaments
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2019 co-written by Thomas Produit, Pierre Walch, Guillaume Schimmel, Benoît Mahieu, Clemens Herkommer, Robert Jung, Thomas Metzger, Knut Michel, Yves-Bernard André, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard, Jérôme Kasparian, Jean-Pierre Wolf -
Improving supersonic flights with femtosecond laser filamentation
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2018 co-written by Paul-Quentin Elias, Nicolas Severac, Jean-Marc Luyssen, Yves-Bernard André, Ivan Doudet, Benoît Wattellier, Jean-Pierre Tobeli, Sylvain Albert, B. Mahieu, Reynald Bur, A. Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
The Role of Electron Collisions in Lasing in Neutral and Singly Ionized Molecular Nitrogen
Chapitre d'ouvrage Published on 19/12/2017 co-written by Yi Liu, Pengji Ding, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz -
Excitation of nitrogen molecular ions in a strong laser field by electron recollisions
Article dans une revue Published on 01/11/2017 co-written by Vladimir T. Tikhonchuk, Jean-Félix Tremblay-Bugeaud, Yi Liu, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz -
Nonadiabaticity of cavity-free neutral nitrogen lasing
Article dans une revue Published on 01/09/2017 co-written by Pengji Ding, Juan Carlos Escudero, Aurélien Houard, Alberto Sanchis, Javier Vera, Sergio Vicéns, Yi Liu, Eduardo Oliva -
Long-lived laser-induced arc discharges for energy channeling applications
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2017 co-written by Guillaume Point, Léonid Arantchouk, Emmanuelle Thouin, Jérôme Carbonnel, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Long-lived laser-induced arc discharges for energy channeling applications
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2017 co-written by Guillaume Point, Léonid Arantchouk, Emmanuelle Thouin, Jérôme Carbonnel, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Transfer of microwave energy along a filament plasma column in air
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2017 co-written by Bernard Prade, Aurélien Houard, Jean Larour, Michel Pellet, André Mysyrowicz -
Unexpected Sensitivity of Nitrogen Ions Superradiant Emission on Pump Laser Wavelength and Duration
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2017 co-written by Yi Liu, Pengji Ding, Neven Ibrakovic, Samuel N. Bengtsson, Shihua Chen, Rostyslav Danylo, Emma M. Simpson, Esben W. Larsen, Xiang Zhang, Zhengquan Fan, Aurélien Houard, Johan Mauritsson, Anne L'Huillier, Cord L. Arnold, Songlin Zhuang, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, André Mysyrowicz -
Lasing dynamics of neutral nitrogen molecules in femtosecond filaments
Article dans une revue Published on 17/10/2016 co-written by Pengji Ding, Eduardo Oliva, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz, Yi Liu -
Prolongation of the lifetime of guided discharges triggered in atmospheric air by femtosecond laser filaments up to 130 μs
Article dans une revue Published on 01/04/2016 co-written by Léonid Arantchouk, Bruno Honnorat, Emmanuelle Thouin, Guillaume Point, A. Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Energy deposition from focused terawatt laser pulses in air undergoing multifilamentation
Article dans une revue Published on 11/03/2016 co-written by Guillaume Point, Emmanuelle Thouin, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Filamentation and Pulse Self-compression in the Anomalous Dispersion Region of Glasses
Chapitre d'ouvrage Published on 01/01/2016 co-written by A Couairon, V Jukna, J Darginavičius, D Majus, N Garejev, I Gražuleviči¯ Ut˙, G Valiulis, G Tamošauskas, A Dubietis, F. Silva, M Hemmer, M Baudisch, A Thai, J Biegert, D Faccio, Amélie Jarnac, Aurélien Houard, Yi Liu, André Mysyrowicz, S Grabielle, N Forget, A Durécu, M Durand, K Lim, E Mckee, M Baudelet, M Richardson -
Plasma dynamics of a laser filamentation-guided spark
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2016 co-written by Guillaume Point, Léonid Arantchouk, Jérôme Carbonnel, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Underwater acoustic wave generation by filamentation of terawatt ultrashort laser pulses
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2016 co-written by Vytautas Jukna, Amélie Jarnac, Carles Milián, Yohann Brelet, Jérôme Carbonnel, Yves-Bernard André, Régine Guillermin, Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Dominique Fattaccioli, André Mysyrowicz, Arnaud Couairon, Aurélien Houard -
Utilisation d'une source laser pulsée à haute energie comme source acoustique large bande en milieu liquide Source acoustique générée par un laser pulsé intense
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2016 co-written by Jean-Pierre Sessarego, Régine Guillermin, Amélie Jarnac, Aurélien Houard, Yohann Brelet, Jérôme Carbonnel, Yves-Bernard André, André Mysyrowicz, Dominique Fattaccioli -
Backward Lasing of Femtosecond Plasma Filaments
Chapitre d'ouvrage Published on 28/10/2015 co-written by Yi Liu, Sergey I. Mitryukovskiy, Pengji Ding, Guillaume Point, Yohann Brelet, Aurélien Houard, Arnaud Couairon, André Mysyrowicz -
Backward Lasing of Femtosecond Plasma Filaments
Chapitre d'ouvrage Published on 28/10/2015 co-written by Yi Liu, Sergey I. Mitryukovskiy, Pengji Ding, Guillaume Point, Yohann Brelet, Aurélien Houard, Arnaud Couairon, André Mysyrowicz -
Recollision-Induced Superradiance of Ionized Nitrogen Molecules
Article dans une revue Published on 24/09/2015 co-written by Yi Liu, Pengji Ding, Guillaume Lambert, Aurélien Houard, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, André Mysyrowicz -
Filamentation laser en régime TW et applications
HDR Published on 02/07/2015 by Aurélien Houard -
Gating attosecond pulses in a noncollinear geometry
Article dans une revue Published on 17/06/2015 co-written by Maité Louisy, C. L. Arnold, Miguel Miranda, Esben W Larsen, Samuel N. Bengtsson, D. Kroon, Marija Kotur, Diego Guénot, Linnea Rading, Piotr Rudawski, Fernando Brizuela, Filippo Campi, Amélie Jarnac, Aurélien Houard, Byunghoon Kim, Johan Mauritsson, Per Johnsson, Anne L'Huillier, Christoph M. Heyl -
Plasma Luminescence from Femtosecond Filaments in Air: Evidence for Impact Excitation with Circularly Polarized Light Pulses
Article dans une revue Published on 13/02/2015 co-written by Sergey Mitryukovskiy, Yi Liu, Pengji Ding, Aurélien Houard, Arnaud Couairon, André Mysyrowicz -
Evolution of a laser filamentation triggered electric discharge in air
Communication dans un congrès Published on 01/01/2015 co-written by G. Point, Léonid Arantchouk, Jérôme Carbonnel, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Interferometric study of low density channels and guided electric discharges induced in air by laser femtosecond filaments
Communication dans un congrès Published on 01/01/2015 co-written by Guillaume Point, Léonid Arantchouk, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Interferometric study of low density channels and guided electric discharges induced in air by laser femtosecond filaments
Communication dans un congrès Published on 01/01/2015 co-written by Guillaume Point, Léonid Arantchouk, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Laser beam self-symmetrization in air in the multifilamentation regime
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2015 co-written by Carles Milián, Vytautas Jukna, Arnaud Couairon, Aurélien Houard, Benjamin Forestier, Jérôme Carbonnel, Y Liu, Bernard Prade, A Mysyrowicz -
Prolongation of guided discharge initiated by femtosecond laser filamentation in air from 1-µs scale up to 1-ms
Communication dans un congrès Published on 01/01/2015 co-written by Léonid Arantchouk, B. Honnorat, E. Thouin, G. Point, Jérôme Carbonnel, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Prolongation of guided discharge initiated by femtosecond laser filamentation in air from 1-µs scale up to 1-ms
Communication dans un congrès Published on 01/01/2015 co-written by Léonid Arantchouk, B. Honnorat, E. Thouin, G. Point, Jérôme Carbonnel, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Space and time-resolved study of plasma columns generated by laser filamentation guided electric discharges
Communication dans un congrès Published on 01/01/2015 co-written by G. Point, Léonid Arantchouk, Yohann Brelet, Y-B. André, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Two-color interferometry for the study of laser filamentation triggered discharges in air
Communication dans un congrès Published on 01/01/2015 co-written by Guillaume Point, Yohann Brelet, Léonid Arantchouk, Jérôme Carbonnel, Bernard S. Prade, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Underwater acoustic signals induced by intense ultrashort laser pulse
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2015 co-written by Yohann Brelet, Amélie Jarnac, Jérôme Carbonnel, Yves-Bernard André, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard, Dominique Fattaccioli, Régine Guillermin, Jean-Pierre Sessarego -
Two-color interferometer for the study of laser filamentation triggered electric discharges in air
Article dans une revue Published on 02/12/2014 co-written by Guillaume Point, Yohann Brelet, Leonid Arantchouk, Jérôme Carbonnel, Bernard Prade, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Backward Lasing of Air plasma pumped by Circularly polarized femtosecond pulses for the saKe of remote sensing (BLACK)
Article dans une revue Published on 21/11/2014 co-written by Pengji Ding, Sergey Mitryukovskiy, Aurélien Houard, Eduardo Oliva, Arnaud Couairon, André Mysyrowicz, Yi Liu -
Coherent interaction between the terahertz radiation emitted by filaments in air
Article dans une revue Published on 15/08/2014 co-written by Sergey Mitryukovskiy, Yi Liu, Bernard Prade, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz -
Study of laser induced plasma grating dynamics in gases
Article dans une revue Published on 30/07/2014 co-written by Amélie Jarnac, Magali Durand, Yi Liu, Bernard Prade, Aurélien Houard, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, André Mysyrowicz -
Large scale Tesla coil guided discharges initiated by femtosecond laser filamentation in air
Article dans une revue Published on 02/07/2014 co-written by Léonid Arantchouk, Guillaume Point, Yohann Brelet, Bernard Prade, Jérôme Carbonnel, Yves-Bernard André, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Superfilamentation in Air
Article dans une revue Published on 04/06/2014 co-written by Guillaume Point, Yohann Brelet, Aurélien Houard, Vytautas Jukna, Carles Milián, Jérôme Carbonnel, Yi Liu, Arnaud Couairon, André Mysyrowicz -
Backward stimulated radiation from filaments in Nitrogen gas and air pumped by circularly polarized 800 nm femtosecond laser pulses
Article dans une revue Published on 19/05/2014 co-written by Sergey Mitryukovskiy, Yi Liu, Pengji Ding, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz -
Effect of an external electric field on the coherent terahertz emission from multiple filaments in air
Article dans une revue Published on 04/05/2014 co-written by Sergey Mitryukovskiy, Yi Liu, Bernard Prade, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz -
Effect of an external electric field on the coherent terahertz emission from multiple filaments in air
Article dans une revue Published on 04/05/2014 co-written by Sergey Mitryukovskiy, Yi Liu, Bernard Prade, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz -
Lasing of ambient air with microjoule pulse energy pumped by a multi terawatt IR femtosecond laser
Article dans une revue Published on 18/03/2014 co-written by Guillaume Point, Yi Liu, Yohann Brelet, Sergey Mitryukovskiy, Pengji Ding, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz -
Compact 180-kV Marx generator triggered in atmospheric air by femtosecond laser filaments
Article dans une revue Published on 13/03/2014 co-written by Léonid Arantchouk, G Point, Yohann Brelet, Jean Larour, Jérôme Carbonnel, Yves-Bernard André, A Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Whole life cycle of femtosecond ultraviolet filaments in water
Article dans une revue Published on 07/03/2014 co-written by Amélie Jarnac, Gintaras Tamosauskas, Donatas Majus, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz, Arnaud Couairon, Audrius Dubietis -
Spatio-temporal cleaning of a femtosecond laser pulse through interaction with counter-propagating filaments in air
Article dans une revue Published on 26/02/2014 co-written by Amélie Jarnac, Magali Durand, Aurélien Houard, Yi Liu, Bernard Prade, Martin Richardson, André Mysyrowicz -
Interferometric analysis of plasmas induced by filamentation guided electric discharges in air
Communication dans un congrès Published on 01/01/2014 co-written by G. Point, Yohann Brelet, C. Milian, Léonid Arantchouk, Bernard S. Prade, Jérôme Carbonnel, A. Couairon, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard -
Laser guided discharges from a compact Marx generator
Communication dans un congrès Published on 01/01/2014 co-written by Aurélien Houard, Léonid Arantchouk, G. Point, Yohann Brelet, Jean Larour, Jérôme Carbonnel, Y-B. André, André Mysyrowicz -
Recent developments in femtosecond filamentation
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2014 co-written by Aurélien Houard, Yi Liu, André Mysyrowicz -
Study of filamentation threshold in zinc selenide
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2014 co-written by Magali Durand, Aurélien Houard, Khan Lim, Anne Durécu, Olivier Vasseur, Martin Richardson -
Study of filamentation threshold in zinc selenide
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2014 co-written by Magali Durand, Aurélien Houard, Khan Lim, Anne Durécu, Olivier Vasseur, Martin Richardson -
Third Harmonic Generation from Perturbed Femtosecond Filaments in Air
Chapitre d'ouvrage Published on 01/01/2014 co-written by Yi Liu, Magali Durand, Yohann Brelet, Amélie Jarnac, Benjamin Forestier, Aurélien Houard, Arnaud Couairon, André Mysyrowicz -
Third Harmonic Generation from Perturbed Femtosecond Filaments in Air
Chapitre d'ouvrage Published on 01/01/2014 co-written by Yi Liu, Magali Durand, Yohann Brelet, Amélie Jarnac, Benjamin Forestier, Aurélien Houard, Arnaud Couairon, André Mysyrowicz -
Kilometer range filamentation
Article dans une revue Published on 30/10/2013 co-written by Magali Durand, Aurélien Houard, Bernard Prade, André Mysyrowicz, Anne Durécu, Bernard Moreau, Didier Fleury, Olivier Vasseur, Hartmut Borchert, Karsten Diener, Rudiger Schmitt, Francis Théberge, Marc Chateauneuf, Jean-François Daigle, Jacques Dubois -
Self-seeded lasing in ionized air pumped by 800 nm femtosecond laser pulses
Article dans une revue Published on 20/09/2013 co-written by Yi Liu, Yohann Brelet, Guillaume Point, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz -
Laser-induced periodic annular surface structures on fused silica surface
Article dans une revue Published on 24/06/2013 co-written by Yi Liu, Yohann Brelet, Zhanbing He, Linwei Yu, Benjamin Forestier, Yongkai Deng, Hongbing Jiang, Aurélien Houard -
Coherent synthesis of terahertz radiation from femtosecond laser filaments in air
Article dans une revue Published on 04/06/2013 co-written by Sergey I. Mitryukovskiy, Yi Liu, Bernard Prade, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz -
Guiding of meter scale AC discharges by laser filamentation in air
Poster de conférence Published on 12/05/2013 co-written by Aurélien Houard, Yohann Brelet, G. Point, Jérôme Carbonnel, Y-B. André, Bernard S. Prade, Léonid Arantchouk, André Mysyrowicz -
A simple high-voltage high current spark gap with subnanosecond jitter triggered by femtosecond laser filamentation
Article dans une revue Published on 23/04/2013 co-written by Léonid Arantchouk, Aurélien Houard, Yohann Brelet, Jérôme Carbonnel, Jean Larour, Yves-Bernard André, André Mysyrowicz -
Blueshifted continuum peaks from filamentation in the anomalous dispersion regime
Article dans une revue Published on 15/04/2013 co-written by Magali Durand, Khan Lim, Vytautas Jukna, Erik Mckee, Matthieu Baudelet, Aurélien Houard, Martin Richardson, André Mysyrowicz, Arnaud Couairon -
Self-Guided Propagation of Ultrashort Laser Pulses in the Anomalous Dispersion Region of Transparent Solids: A New Regime of Filamentation
Article dans une revue Published on 15/03/2013 co-written by Magali Durand, Amélie Jarnac, Aurélien Houard, Yi Liu, Stéphanie Grabielle, Nicolas Forget, Anne Durécu, Arnaud Couairon, André Mysyrowicz -
Ciliary White Light: Optical Aspect of Ultrashort Laser Ablation on Transparent Dielectrics
Article dans une revue Published on 01/03/2013 co-written by Yi Liu, Yohann Brelet, Zhanbing He, Linwei Yu, Sergey Mitryukovskiy, Aurélien Houard, Benjamin Forestier, Arnaud Couairon, André Mysyrowicz -
Commutation rapide déclenchée par filamentation laser femtoseconde
Article dans une revue Published on 01/01/2013 co-written by Jean Larour, Léonid Arantchouk, Aurélien Houard -
Compact Marx Generator in Air Triggered by Femtosecond Filaments
Communication dans un congrès Published on 01/01/2013 co-written by Léonid Arantchouk, Aurélien Houard, G. Point, Yohann Brelet, Jérôme Carbonnel, Y-B. André, Jean Larour, André Mysyrowicz -
Laser induced plasma column heated by Tesla coil discharges as a radio-frequency antenna
Communication dans un congrès Published on 01/01/2013 co-written by Guillaume Point, Aurélien Houard, Yohann Brelet, Jérôme Carbonnel, Léonid Arantchouk, Bernard S. Prade, Y-B. André, André Mysyrowicz -
Laser induced plasma column heated by Tesla coil discharges as a radio-frequency antenna
Communication dans un congrès Published on 01/01/2013 co-written by Guillaume Point, Aurélien Houard, Yohann Brelet, Jérôme Carbonnel, Léonid Arantchouk, Bernard S. Prade, Y-B. André, André Mysyrowicz -
Plasma column from laser filamentation in air as a virtual radio-frequency antenna
Communication dans un congrès Published on 01/01/2013 co-written by G. Point, Yohann Brelet, Aurélien Houard, Jérôme Carbonnel, Léonid Arantchouk, Bernard S. Prade, Y-B. André, André Mysyrowicz -
Radiofrequency plasma antenna generated by femtosecond laser filaments in air
Article dans une revue Published on 27/12/2012 co-written by Yohann Brelet, Aurélien Houard, Guillaume Point, Bernard Prade, Léonid Arantchouk, Jérôme Carbonnel, Yves-Bernard André, Michel Pellet, André Mysyrowicz -
A radio-frequency plasma antenna produced by filamentation in air
Poster de conférence Published on 07/10/2012 co-written by Yohann Brelet, Aurélien Houard, Léonid Arantchouk, G. Point, Bernard S. Prade, Jérôme Carbonnel, Y-B. André, André Mysyrowicz -
Dynamics of plasma gratings in atomic and molecular gases
Article dans une revue Published on 13/09/2012 co-written by Magali Durand, Amélie Jarnac, Yi Liu, Bernard Prade, Aurélien Houard, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, André Mysyrowicz -
Tesla coil discharges guided by femtosecond laser filaments in air
Article dans une revue Published on 04/05/2012 co-written by Yohann Brelet, Aurélien Houard, Léonid Arantchouk, Benjamin Forestier, Yi Liu, Bernard Prade, Jérôme Carbonnel, Yves-Bernard André, André Mysyrowicz -
High-voltage Tesla coil discharges triggered and guided by femtosecond laser filaments in air
Poster de conférence Published on 16/04/2012 co-written by Yohann Brelet, Aurélien Houard, Benjamin Forestier, Jérôme Carbonnel, Y. Liu, Y-B. André, Bernard S. Prade, Léonid Arantchouk, André Mysyrowicz -
Triggering, guiding and deviation of long air spark discharges with femtosecond laser filament
Article dans une revue Published on 17/02/2012 co-written by Benjamin Forestier, Aurélien Houard, Ivan Revel, Magali Durand, Yves-Bernard André, Bernard Prade, Amélie Jarnac, Jérôme Carbonnel, Marc Le Nevé, Jean-Claude de Miscault, Bruno Esmiller, Denis Chapuis, André Mysyrowicz -
Guiding 1-m scale discharge created by a Tesla generator triggered with femtosecond laser filament in air
Communication dans un congrès Published on 01/01/2012 co-written by Léonid Arantchouk, Yohann Brelet, Aurélien Houard, Y-B. André, Bernard S. Prade, Jérôme Carbonnel, André Mysyrowicz -
Low jitter, high current spark gap operating with air at normal pressure
Communication dans un congrès Published on 01/01/2012 co-written by Léonid Arantchouk, Aurélien Houard, Yohann Brelet, Benjamin Forestier, Jérôme Carbonnel, Jean Larour, André Mysyrowicz -
Runtime and jitter of a 1-cm scale atmospheric air spark gap triggered by a femtosecond-laser-filament
Communication dans un congrès Published on 01/01/2012 co-written by Léonid Arantchouk, André Mysyrowicz, Aurélien Houard, Yohann Brelet, Jérôme Carbonnel, Jean Larour -
Triggering and Guiding of High-Voltage Tesla Coil Discharges by Femtosecond Laser-Induced Plasma Filaments in Air
Communication dans un congrès Published on 01/01/2012 co-written by Yohann Brelet, Aurélien Houard, Léonid Arantchouk, Bernard S. Prade, Jérôme Carbonnel, Y-B. André, André Mysyrowicz -
Measurement and control of plasma oscillations in femtosecond filaments
Article dans une revue Published on 22/06/2011 co-written by Bing Zhou, Aurélien Houard, Yi Liu, Bernard Prade, André Mysyrowicz, Arnaud Couairon, Patrick Mora, C. T. L. Smeenk, Ladan Arissian, Paul B. Corkum -
Efficient generation of third harmonic radiation in air filaments: A revisit
Article dans une revue Published on 03/06/2011 co-written by Yi Liu, Magali Durand, Aurélien Houard, Benjamin Forestier, Arnaud Couairon, André Mysyrowicz -
Compression of high-energy ultrashort laser pulses through an argon-filled tapered planar waveguide
Article dans une revue Published on 05/04/2011 co-written by Shihua Chen, Amélie Jarnac, Aurélien Houard, Yi Liu, Cord L. Arnold, Bing Zhou, Benjamin Forestier, Bernard Prade, André Mysyrowicz -
Experimental observation of a traveling plasma grating formed by two crossing filaments in gases
Article dans une revue Published on 23/03/2011 co-written by Magali Durand, Yi Liu, Benjamin Forestier, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz -
Experimental observation of a traveling plasma grating formed by two crossing filaments in gases
Article dans une revue Published on 23/03/2011 co-written by Magali Durand, Yi Liu, Benjamin Forestier, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz -
Energy Exchange between Femtosecond Laser Filaments in Air
Article dans une revue Published on 29/07/2010 co-written by Yi Liu, Magali Durand, Shihua Chen, Aurélien Houard, Bernard Prade, Benjamin Forestier, André Mysyrowicz -
Fine control of terahertz radiation from filamentation by molecular lensing in air
Article dans une revue Published on 14/05/2010 co-written by Magali Durand, Yi Liu, Aurélien Houard, André Mysyrowicz -
Radiofrequency conical emission from femtosecond filaments in air
Article dans une revue Published on 08/04/2010 co-written by Benjamin Forestier, Aurélien Houard, Magali Durand, Yves-Bernard André, Bernard Prade, Jean-Yves Dauvignac, Franck Perret, Christian Pichot, Michel Pellet, André Mysyrowicz -
Revival of femtosecond laser plasma filaments in air by a nanosecond laser
Article dans une revue Published on 29/06/2009 co-written by Bing Zhou, Selcuk Akturk, Bernard Prade, Yves-Bernard André, Aurélien Houard, Yi Liu, Michel Franco, Ciro d'Amico, Estelle Salmon, Zuo-Qiang Hao, Noëlle Lascoux, André Mysyrowicz -
Maker fringes in the Terahertz radiation produced by a 2-color laser field in air
Article dans une revue Published on 24/06/2009 co-written by Yi Liu, Aurélien Houard, Magali Durand, Bernard Prade, André Mysyrowicz -
Filamentation Laser Femtoseconde dans l'Air et Application au Guidage de Decharges Electriques et à la Generation de Rayonnement Terahertz
Thèse Published on 15/12/2008 by Aurélien Houard -
Dipolar-like antenna emission in the radiofrequency range by laser-produced plasma channels in air
Article dans une revue Published on 27/11/2008 co-written by Ciro d'Amico, Aurélien Houard, Michel Pellet, Christian Pichot, André Mysyrowicz -
Long plasma channels formed by axicon-focused filaments
Communication dans un congrès Published on 19/09/2008 co-written by Selcuk Akturk, Bing Zhou, Aurélien Houard, Michel Franco, Arnaud Couairon, André Mysyrowicz -
Femtosecond filamentation in turbulent air
Article dans une revue Published on 05/09/2008 co-written by Aurélien Houard, Michel Franco, Bernard Prade, Anne Durécu, Laurent Lombard, Pierre Bourdon, Olivier Vasseur, Bruno Fleury, Clélia Robert, Vincent Michau, Arnaud Couairon, André Mysyrowicz -
Amplification of transition-Cherenkov terahertz radiation of femtosecond filament in air
Article dans une revue Published on 05/08/2008 co-written by Yi Liu, Aurélien Houard, Bernard Prade, André Mysyrowicz, Abdourahmane Diaw, Vladimir Tikhonchuk -
Strong Enhancement of Terahertz Radiation from Laser Filaments in Air by a Static Electric Field
Article dans une revue Published on 26/06/2008 co-written by Aurélien Houard, Yi Liu, Bernard Prade, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, André Mysyrowicz -
Polarization analysis of terahertz radiation generated by four-wave mixing in air
Article dans une revue Published on 23/05/2008 co-written by Aurélien Houard, Yi Liu, Bernard Prade, André Mysyrowicz -
Forward THz radiation emission by femtosecond filamentation in gases: theory and experiment
Article dans une revue Published on 17/01/2008 co-written by Ciro d'Amico, Aurélien Houard, Selcuk Akturk, Yi Liu, J. Le Bloas, Michel A. Franco, Bernard Prade, Arnaud Couairon, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, André Mysyrowicz -
Calorimetric detection of the conical THz radiation from femtosecond laser filaments in air
Article dans une revue Published on 10/12/2007 co-written by Aurélien Houard, Yi Liu, André Mysyrowicz, Bernadette Leriche -
Coherent and incoherent radial THz radiation emission from femtosecond filaments in air
Article dans une revue Published on 02/11/2007 co-written by Ciro d'Amico, Aurélien Houard, Michel A. Franco, Bernard Prade, André Mysyrowicz -
Terahertz Radiation Source in Air Based on Bifilamentation of Femtosecond Laser Pulses
Article dans une revue Published on 25/09/2007 co-written by Yi Liu, Aurélien Houard, Selcuk Akturk, André Mysyrowicz, Vladimir Tikhonchuk -
Conical Forward THz Emission from Femtosecond-Laser-Beam Filamentation in Air
Article dans une revue Published on 07/06/2007 co-written by Ciro d'Amico, Aurélien Houard, Michel A. Franco, Bernard Prade, André Mysyrowicz, Arnaud Couairon, Vladimir Tikhonchuk -
High current permanent discharges in air induced by femtosecond laser filamentation
Article dans une revue Published on 27/04/2007 co-written by Aurélien Houard, Ciro d'Amico, Yi Liu, Yves-Bernard André, Michel Franco, Bernard Prade, André Mysyrowicz, Estelle Salmon, Pascal Pierlot, L.-M. Cleon