Officially created in November 2020, the PLASMAScience Graduate School aims to promote the teaching of plasma physics by offering funding to students wishing to pursue their Masters and PhDs in the laboratories of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
It currently brings together 7 laboratories and represents the largest community of plasma specialists in France.
It has received funding of €4 million over 10 years from the French National Research Agency (ANR), which will be used primarily for the following missions:
- Developing innovative Masters and PhD courses
- Strengthening the link between training and research by combining teaching with the expertise of researchers
- Developing a programme of scholarships for excellence in masters and doctoral studies
- Build a network of international partners
- Communicating plasma science and promoting research in this field
This first PLASMAScience Scientific Day took the form of a seminar. In the morning, students and doctoral students receiving funding were able to present their work. In the afternoon, a representative from each of the laboratories reported on one of the highlights of the past year.
The day ended with a round table discussion on the future of teaching and research in plasma physics.
The event was unanimously hailed as a success, enabling the IP Paris plasma physics community to get to know each other in a convivial atmosphere, while giving rise to numerous scientific discussions.