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Benoit Geller

Unité d'Informatique et d'Ingénierie des Systèmes (U2IS)

Benoît GELLER received the Accreditation to Lead Research in Information Sciences HDR from the University of Paris in 2004, the PhD in wireless communication networks from INPG in 1992, as well as the Engineering Master Sc. in Telecommunications from ENSERB in 1988.

He was the head of the Multisensor and Information Team (17 researchers) at SATIE lab Ecole Normale Superieure Paris Saclay  until he joined ENSTA Paris in 2007-08.

He is presently a Full Professor of IP Paris (Institut Polytechnique Paris)-ENSTA and head of the Specialized Master on autonomous systems for Defense ILEMs.


Professional experience

  • Since 2007: Professor at Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées- Institut Polytechnique Paris.
  • From 2001 to 2007 : Researcher (Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris Saclay).
  • From 1995 to 2007: Associate professor (Université Paris12).
  • 1993-1995 : Postdoc (GIPSA lab / European project Thomson Sintra).
  • 1989-1992 : Engineer (French Nuclear Commission (CEA/LETI)


In Memoriam


Activités de recherche et de formation

Benoît GELLER has an expertise in safety and security for wireless networks.

His work aims at protecting wireless communications against environmental interference and intentional attacks for the benefit of the French Ministry of Defense.

He has a strong experience in mobile communications systems. He works on the optimization of network resources from the physical layer to the application layer : information theory and coding (finite fields algebraic error correcting codes, turbo and LDPC, cryptography, ...), bayesian inference, security, scheduling, iterative and cross-layer solutions.

His results are applied to difficult contexts such as the doubly-selective underwater acoustic channel, tactical communications or the energy-constrained Internet of Things (IoT) / Sensor network case, for which he has accumulated a good experience on practical architectures in different projects.

He has been involved in several European projects (Mast AIDA, Medea+ INCA, Medea+ MIDAS, Newcom++,Horizon 2020 Bridges, MarTERA Bioglider) and has also been in charge of many industrial projects. He has published about 100 international papers and has pended 4 international patents.


Prix et distinctions

- Knight of Academic Palms (2018)

- IEEE Senior member (2010)

- French Navy Reserve Superior Officer (2006)

Publications HAL

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