Prof. Luc Pastur is Associate Professor at ENSTA Paris (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Avancées) Institut Polytechnique Paris, head of the OFFWIND master program, responsible for the third-year track "Off-Shore Energies" at ENSTA and co-director of the IP Paris master WAPE. He has extensive experience on both experimental setups and metrology in fluid mechanics and approaches in the theoretical framework of dynamical system theory. He was involved and holder of several research projects, granted by the French research agency (ANR), the Airbus foundation and industrial contracts, ANR), the Airbus foundation, military and industrial contracts (DGA, EDF, CEA, Thales), to cite only some of them, for a funding amount of about 10 M€. He has set up an interdisciplinary international team of leading researchers, involving the Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), University of Khalifa (Abu Dhabi), University of Buenos Aires (Argentine), University of Toronto (Canada), University of Jaén (Spain), University of Liverpool (UK), etc. He contributed to more than 55 scientific publications in topics dedicated to aerodynamics, bluff body wake flows, self-sustained oscillating flows, flow instabilities, model reduction, Lagrangian mixing, bathtub vortex emptying and fluid structure/interaction.
Activités de recherche et de formation
Experimental & Theoretical Fluid Mechanics.
- Aerodynamics and stall flow dynamics ;
- Bluff body wake flows, instabilites and contrrol ;
- Reduced-order modeling ;
- Fluid/structure interaction ;
- Bathtub vortex emptying.
Head of the OFFWIND master program, responsible for the third-year track "OffShore Energies" at ENSTA and co-director of the IP Paris master WAPE.