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Stéphanie Chaillat-Loseille

Unité de Mathématiques Appliquées (UMA)
CNRS Research Scientist

I am CNRS research scientist in the lab POEMS. I participate to the animation of the GDR Ondes within the modelisation and simulation thematic group (

I am also member of the Academic Council of Institut Polytechnique de Paris and in charge of the parity, diversity and equal opportunities committee. 

Research and education activities

My research concerns the proposition and study of fast algorithms and numerical methods to simulate wave propagation problems in large scale domains, e.g., acoustic wave propagation or seismic wave propagation. My research is always driven by realistic physical problems. My expertise concerns numerical methods for PDEs, fast algorithms and efficient (including parallel) programming. The originality of my research is to develop and improve the boundary element method for mechanical problems: simulation of seismic waves in the soil, underwater explosions in the ocean, contact problems, radiated noise in different configurations ... All my research work is integrated in the fast solver COFFEE ( that I distribute within the framework of collaborations


In addition to my research activites, I participate to the teachings at ENSTA ParisTech.




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